Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Reading Capital with David Harvey

David Harvey, renowned geographer and professor at CUNY, has begun posting videos of his class on Marx's Capital. These are definitely worth checking out. Harvey has been reading Capital for about 40 years and, unlike some other professors, is capable of giving a clear lecture. I invite you to dust off that copy of Capital, vol. 1 that has been sitting, unread, on your shelf. If you don't have a copy, obtain one by a method that doesn't involve value-producing labor, and begin your life of resistance to social domination.

The first two lectures are already online, so start reading! I've listened to the first and, while Harvey says some things I don't quite agree with, I can't think of a better (free) introduction to Marx's magnum opus. Besides, Harvey has read Capital a few more times than I have, so I'll prudently withhold my criticisms. Go read!

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